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Boston College, 150 Saint Thomas More Road, Boston, MA 02135, USA
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Sound familiar? - While talking to a colleague, he/she frequently interrupts you with a description of his experience. - You share a challenge you are working on with a friend or colleague and quickly hear suggestions of what you “should” do next. - At yesterday’s meeting a colleague “presented” an idea the group loved. No one seemed to remember that you mentioned this idea last week. So, what do you say? While not every situation may require a response, this workshop focuses on those conversations where your best response often happens...later that day, on the way home from work, or at 3 a.m. Applying a three step model, participants will select a specific conversation, brainstorm how to respond and specifically, what words to use to get their message across. Then, time for a test drive! Participants will have the opportunity to practice their responses with a partner and receive feedback. Don't miss this chance to sharpen your communication skills and increase your confidence for those "If only I had said this...." type of conversations.