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In conjunction with the Office of the Vice Provost of Global Engagement, the Provost's Office, and the ILA, Boston College's Irish Studies program is pleased to host a delegation of early career researchers from Ireland, showcasing the innovative research at the Trinity Long Room Hub. As the Arts and Humanities Research Institute of Trinity College Dublin, Trinity Long Room Hub (TLRH) supports researchers in over twenty disciplines, providing new research practices and platforms to showcase the impact and centrality of Arts and Humanities-led research.

The multi-day program encourages graduate students and early career researchers in the Morrisey College of Arts and Sciences to broaden their horizons by learning innovative research techniques while developing collaborations with Irish researchers. 

Wednesday, October 30 

  • Graduate Student Networking Coffee, 3:30-4:30 pm in Connolly House
  • TCD Long Room Hub Researcher Showcase, 5:00-6:30 pm in Devlin 101
    • Featuring:
      • Holly Ritchie (History), "Saviours and Enslavers: the Irish in the Catholic Atlantic, 1763-1860"
      • Rafael Mendes (Languages, Literatures, and Cultural Studies), "Disidentification, (non)normativity and the gothic in contemporary Latin American women's writing"
      • Amy O'Keffee (Classics), "The (in)tangible body: representations of body modification in the Ancient Mediterranean"
    • Chaired by Professor Eve Patten (TLRH Director)
  • Reception, 6:30-8:00 pm in Connolly House

Thursday, October 31

  • Skill-building Workshop, 3:30-4:30 pm in Connolly House
    • Interested graduate students can register for the workshop here
    • Seats are limited. Please register by Friday, October 25