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Boston College, 2599 Beacon Street, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467, USA

With James Ferreira Moura, Professor of the Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Humanities at the University of International Integration of the Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB) and of the Graduate Program in Psychology at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Brazil, and Visiting Fulbright Scholar of the Center 2021-2022.

Presentation description: 

Poverty is often conceptualized from a monetary perspective. However, its impacts should also be understood in psychosocial terms, articulating psychological and social effects. Cultural factors, such as violence in Brazilian society, intensify the reality of poverty. A population in this situation may reproduce fatalism, shame, and humiliation in response. Likewise, they may create strategies of resistance with their agency, and create a sense of community and social support. Moura will present some qualitative research results about psychosocial implications with Brazilian individuals in situations of poverty.


This session will be offered in person and via Zoom. Masks will be required for in-person attendance, A boxed lunch will be provided to attendees near at the conclusion of the event to take with them.

Register for either the in person or Zoom option at or at the maroon "Register" button in the event listing, and following the instructions there.

  • Kewen Huang

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