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2101 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02135 ##theMcMullen
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The McMullen Portal, located in the Museum’s third-floor Monan Gallery, facilitates meetings with individuals in other Portals across the world. Transcending borders, Portals are interconnected audiovisual environments that allow visitors to converse with those in a distant Portal, as if in the same room. 

Register for an opporunity to connect. See the Museum Event Calendar for more Portal Connections. Additional opportunities will be scheduled throughout the spring.

Saturday, Feb. 25: Erbil, Iraq: Discussion on Campus Life Overseas

1:00–2:00 pm

Open to the public: Register for an in-person session at

Compare campus experiences with college students in Erbil, Iraq. 

To learn more about the McMullen Portal, visit Please check back periodically in the coming months for more opportunities to participate in the Portal experience.