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Boston College, 150 Saint Thomas More Road, Boston, MA 02135, USA
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Have you faced one of these scenarios?

  • Your new manager was your peer yesterday. She would not have been your first choice. How do you accept the change to work effectively?
  • Your manager has picked someone else to work on an attractive project, when you think you have more appropriate skills. How do you respond?
  • Your manager has just given you a project list a mile long – which is different from the list last week. Since you don’t plan to work 100 hours a week, how can you be accommodating yet questioning?
  • It seems you are in the dark about the overall direction of the department and organization, despite press releases and town hall style meetings. That understanding would be motivating for you. How do you seek more information?

Through experiential activities you will develop skills to address these dilemmas. You will leave with a list of tips, do’s and don'ts, a “tool” to prepare for the meeting, and an experience preparing and practicing a conversation and receiving feedback before your next conversation with your manager. We practice everything else: job skills, academic learning, sports, music. Now practice being aware of yourself while effectively influencing up!

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