Maintaining Motivation and Wellbeing in an Abbreviated Semester
Thursday, January 21, 2021 10am to 11am
About this Event
As instructors and students prepare for a condensed semester and contend with burnout, figuring out how to maintain motivation is a particularly pressing question. Drawing on research into motivation and the science of emotion, and in dialogue with the Faculty Teaching Modalities Survey distributed in November, this workshop is founded on the premise that instructor well-being and presence plays a big role in engaging students. During this workshop, instructors will reflect on their course structure and weekly rhythm, through the lens of what they enjoy about teaching, and use that information to identify steps they can take to sustain themselves throughout the semester, strategize around stress points, and tap into their students’ motivation. You’ll get the most out of this workshop if you have a syllabus on hand to reference when applying the topic to one of your courses.
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