Jesuit Studies Café - Cristiano Casalini & Claude Pavur, S.J.
Thursday, September 17, 2020 9:20am to 10am
About this Event
The Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies and its collaborating partners at the University of Lisbon and the Italian German Historical Institute, invite you to join informal conversations with the world's preeminent scholars working on the history, spirituality, and educational heritage of the Society of Jesus. These discussions – hosted by the Institute over coffee and available via Zoom videoconference on the third Thursday of the month – are unique opportunities to learn more about the newest and most interesting scholarship in Jesuit Studies.
Casalini and Pavur will present on their newest publication on Joseph de Jouvancy's "The Way to Learn and the Way to Teach."
Joseph de Jouvancy (1643–1719) was a French Jesuit poet, pedagogue, philologist, and historian. He has been called “one of the greatest authorities on education of his age.” A classical humanist and scholar known for his plays, biographies, histories, orations, and translations of various works into Latin, Jouvancy left behind no work more influential than his De discendi et docendi ratione (The Way to Learn and the Way to Teach, 1703). The Jesuit order found his work so important for maintaining quality in the Society’s schools that it made it a companion piece for the great charter of Jesuit education known as the Ratio studiorum (1599). In this book, Jouvancy first describes how young instructors might effectively pursue their own studies during their years of teaching; secondly, he details the essentials of good teaching. The considerable historical interest of this book is matched by its pedagogical insights and perennial relevance.
Cristiano Casalini, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor and Endowed Chair in Jesuit Pedagogy and Educational History, and a Research Scholar with the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies at Boston College.
Claude Pavur, S.J. is the associate editor of Jesuit Sources, specializing in the translation of Latin documents relating to the Society of Jesus.
If you have any questions, please contact the Institute (