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"We were flying the plane while we were building it."  Sound familiar?

That statement has special meaning in our work and personal lives as we embraced "business as unusual" in 2020. Overnight, we changed how we lived and worked.  Familiar tasks required new learning; tried and true processes somehow no longer applied. And yet,  we did it! Somehow, we learned to work in our new virtual environment, flying the plane while building it.

This 90-minute interactive session is about you.  It is an opportunity to pause and reflect on the existing - and new - skills and experiences you brought to the table to keep the plane in the air. 

Did you know that there are two types of experiences? "Those that went well ....and those that make for a great story." Often it is the experience that didn't go as well as expected, that required some major creativity and resiliency to accomplish the goal that are the most interesting stories.

Join with your colleagues to share both types of stories and walk away with ideas to capture lessons learned while flying.

Click here to register.