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Join the Schiller Institute for a spring symposium series - Energy, Policy, and Climate Change: Perspectives from the Social Sciences.

Max Boykoff from University of Colorado (Environmental Studies) will be speaking on Tuesday, April 23. His talk is titled Communicating about Climate Change: Navigating across Science, Policy & Society for Our Better Future.

In 2024, conversations about climate change in our lives and at the science-policy interface – as pathways to engagement and action – can get stuck. This talk will highlight what kinds of climate communications work where, when, why, how, and under what conditions in interlocking communication ecosystems. This talk will touch on news-based communications about climate change, and then explore the power of creative climate communications at multiple scales and contexts in order to more effectively influence attitudinal and behavioral changes.

The talk with be 12-1 PM with a lunch reception to immediately follow. All of the seminars are designed to be accessible for interested people from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds.

Please register using this form, which also includes the dates and speakers for the rest of the series