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The cost of studying abroad is perhaps the biggest deterrent for students considering a summer or semester/year program. Students are typically concerned about how they will pay for the additional costs that come with going abroad versus staying on campus. However, most students don’t realize that studying abroad is not necessarily more expensive than a semester at Boston College. While some programs may cost more than a semester in Chestnut Hill, expenditures for a significant number of semester/year programs may be equal to, or in some cases even less than the cost of attendance at BC. Moreover, with proper planning, there are various prestigious awards, need-based scholarships and BC grants that can help fund your study abroad experience.
In this session, the OIP Scholarships Advisor will offer a break-down of cost and expenses associated with Boston College semester/year and summer programs and will present different funding opportunities available for students interested in going abroad. These include the McGillycuddy-Logue Travel Grant, the Fung Fellowship, the Mizna and Omar Aggad research grants at BC, as well as the national NSEP Boren, Benjamin A. Gilman, Freeman-ASIA, Critical Language Scholarships and other prestigious awards .

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