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David Tracy is the Andrew Thomas Greeley and Grace McNichols Greeley Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of Catholic Studies, and Professor Emeritus of Theology and the Philosophy of Religions at the University of Chicago Divinity School and the John U. Nef Committee on Social Thought.  He was for many years on the editorial board of Concilium with Johann Baptist Metz. His courses focused on a wide variety of topics in philosophical, systematic and constructive theology and hermeneutics, and on issues and persons in religion and modern thought. His publications include Blessed Rage for Order; The Analogical Imagination; Plurality and Ambiguity; On Naming the Present; and Dialogue with the Other: The Inter-religious Dialogue.  Two volumes of his essays have just been published—Fragments: the Existential Situation of Our Time and Filaments: Theological Profiles.  He is currently writing a book on God based on his Gifford lectures, “This Side of God.”


David Tracy will give a lecture on the topic of his upcoming book, which will be followed by a moderated discussion and audience Q&A. 


Cosponsored by the Theology Department.


*Please note that this is a virtual event. Register here: