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Access to Justice in Brazil and the U.S.

Thursday, November 15, 2018 12pm to 4pm

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Opportunities & Challenges in Access to Justice: 
Lessons from the U.S. and Brazil

Access to Justice in Brazil and the U.S.

Brazil and the U.S. have both sought to address systemic problems in access to justice. Each has responded to the challenge in a variety of ways, including free legal representation, alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, regulatory approaches, and civil procedures such as class actions. Brazil has tended to focus especially on free representation, while the U.S. has focused more on alternate mechanisms of promoting justice. This event will bring together experts from each country who will compare the U.S. and Brazilian experiences, including the respective costs and benefits in each system, so as to learn from, evaluate, and propose improvements to access to justice.

Co-sponsored by BC Law Center for Experiential Learning Celebrating 50 Years of Clinical Education